Saturday, September 24, 2005

A Rose By Any Other Name Would Smell As Sweet

What's in a nickname? I don't know about you but I have been called a number of things in my life, some nice things, some, well, not so nice. At work, you can hear the intercom phone ringing in the fitting room. If you pick it up, and D.C. is working, you'll usually hear, "Hey fergie, we need you to ring." On the ski slopes, hanging out with K.S. and M.T. you can usually hear them calling after me, "Hey Kamakazi, are you okay?"
In my opinion, a nickname isn't just something incredibly out of the blue; It holds a piece of who you are. Like Kamakazi. When my friends call me that, I tend to get a little crazy on my skis. Or Ah Man. Mr. Acosta's little nickname for me captures my last name, and even though I hate the name, I love it when people refer to me by it.
In each nickname, a little bit of my attitude lives. Fergie is reclusive; Blondie is, well, blonde; Kamakazi loves to be crazy, if not a little insane. Shortie looks up to everyone, and Gullible falls for other's words.
When people ask you for one word that describes yourself, what do you tell them? Interesting? Sexy? Intelligent? Challenged? My answer is "How can I pick just one?" How many people are living in you?